Intro Post: Our Goals


Welcome to SaveColoradoSnow, a climate activist blog brought to you by Justin Michael and Jay Plank. We are Communications Studies majors at Colorado State University, and lifelong Colorado residents. We are looking to raise awareness for Colorado’s climate, and how it affects everyone in this beautiful state we call home (and earn a sweet A+ for our Virtual Communication and Culture course).

Our goal is to raise awareness for our state’s fragile Rocky Mountain ecosystem and promote planet-friendly habits to mitigate current climate change. This blog will act as a vehicle to take our message to city and state politicians, residents across the state, and eventually D.C. climate policy makers.

Our audience is Colorado residents that actively communicate through social media, and are a part of the outdoor sports community.  We will reach our primary audience though this blog, and by extension, the sharing of the links on social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Through the internet, we have a platform that is limitless. We’ll use the this global network to reach other individuals that care about the climate issues facing Colorado.

We will promote organizations with similar ideals like Protect Our Winters (POW). POW is a grassroots organization, with which we share a common goal- ecological conservation for the enjoyment of all winter athletes.

POW uses winter sports to help communicate the consequences of climate change. Their mission statement from refelects their goal, and our common mission.

“ The outdoor community has a disproportionate influence because of its profile, newsworthiness, economic influence and the passion of the participants, athletes and businesses involved. We are uniquely suited to drive a broad movement in support of climate action and our success stems from our ability to effectively mobilize the outdoor community through socially-relevant communications, led by the influencers in our sports. Outdoor sports is a way for the public to understand the consequences of climate change, and what we stand to gain by stopping it, or lose by failing to.

POW’s work is uniquely influential and important because climate activism has been missing a strong social movement, like what helped pass civil rights legislation, labor protections, women’s voting rights, or most recently, marriage equality. POW is one of only a few groups focused on building this social movement. POW works creatively and opportunistically and focuses on three main areas: youth education, advocacy and community-based activism.”


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